Most of us don’t put a lot of thought into it when using the internet. However, it has become an essential part of our everyday lives and is used for everything from finding information to buying products and services.

However, the websites we use daily store a lot of valuable information, such as email addresses, passwords, and credit card information.

So when we willingly provide this data to websites that are prone to hacking, we put ourselves at risk of becoming fraud victims.

What Is Hacking?

Hacking is the biggest threat to the United States’ economic security. President Obama even called it “one of the most serious and economic and national security challenges we face as a nation.”

It has become increasingly common for hackers to attack business networks, and even large companies like Google and LinkedIn have been on the receiving end of a cyberattack.

So how do hackers gain access to corporate servers? They use these techniques:

Network security

Email Social Engineering/Spear Phishing:

Spear phishing is a standard method that’s used by hackers to access remote systems. They send an email or an instant message to their victim that has an attachment in it.

Once you click on the attachment or link in the email, your system’s vulnerability is exploited, and malware infects it. This gives the hacker access to the system, and they can use it to get into other machines within the network as well.

Infection by a Drive-By Web Download:

Your company’s website is a prime target for hackers. The hackers search for a vulnerability on the website or use spear phishing to plant a piece of code that instantly infects anyone who visits the website.

USB Key Malware:

USB flash drives are ideal for spreading malware, since the infection goes undetected until the drive is inserted into a system. Hackers may give out infected USBs at company conferences, and once an employee plugs it into their computer, the malware spreads quickly.

Additionally, spies inside the company can also use USBs to access company information without being detected.

Third party websites are easier to hack

Credentials from Third-Party Websites:

Cyber spies will often search for victims on third-party websites, and when they find a vulnerable target that works for the company they want to attack, they hack into the third-party website and steal the employee’s data.

They will then use the username and passwords to get into the company website and server, which is why you should always use varying usernames and passwords for every website.

Compromised Wi-Fi:

An open wireless network is the easiest way to attack a network, since hackers can access the server by merely sitting outside the building and getting into their poorly secured Wi-Fi.

If you want to prevent your business server from falling into the hands of hackers through these methods, contact Foris IT Management today.

Our managed network security services and network security audit will let you know if your system has any vulnerabilities. Get in touch with us to book our services.