According to Forbes, Unintentional internet exposure owing to misconfigured services and portals was responsible for roughly 70% of the exposed records (5.4 billion in total).

Data breaches, cloud breaches, insider threats, and external malicious people using weaknesses to get access to your network are all examples of cloud security risks. Because of its dependability and flexibility, the cloud system can quickly transition to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, hasty cloud adoptions may result in blunders, often known as misconfigurations, caused by missteps, inaccuracies, or poorly cloud service configuration decisions.

In this blog, you will get to know the three most common cloud misconfigurations and how you can avoid them.

1. Misconfigurations In Cloud Storage

Cloud storage nodes that are exposed and/or insufficiently protected. Unknowingly exposing storage resources to the online or other cloud services, as well as exposing resources within, is a risk. They also frequently fail to correctly integrate encryption and access logging when necessary.

Prevention: Keep an eye out for any storage nodes that are marked as public. Check all internal storage access privileges to avoid any unwanted, excessively open, or unprotected accessibility. Within cloud storage nodes, enable robust encryption and key rotation for important data.

2. Access to Storage

When it comes to storage buckets, many cloud users assume that “authenticated users” only refer to persons previously validated within their company or the related application. That’s not the reality, though.

“Authenticated users” are anyone with Amazon Web Services (AWS) credentials, including almost every AWS client. As a result of this misconception and the resulting cloud misconfigurations of the control settings, storage objects may become fully accessible to public access.

Prevention: For all privileged user accounts, enable multifactor authentication. Regularly check all identity roles and rules that continuously analyze privileges and identify those that are potentially inappropriate.

3. Inbound Ports with No Restrictions

Any port that is open to the internet has the potential to cause problems. Cloud services often employ high-number UDP or TCP ports to avoid vulnerability hazards, although dedicated attackers can still figure them out.

Prevention: Remember to check the complete range of open ports before shifting to a multi-cloud environment, and afterward block or shut down those that aren’t essential.

people working in an office.

To strengthen your cloud security approaches, defend yourself against cloud misconfigurations. Having the capabilities to apply security protections to cloud data, in particular, is a critical aspect of this. Consider getting together secure configuration management (SCM) software. This may be used to create secure cloud data benchmarks and check for problems.

If you’re looking for cloud backup and data recovery services, contact Foris LLC. For dental clinics in Texas, we provide network security, managed IT services, data backup, and more. Contact us today.