FORIS was founded for one very important reason:
To provide our partners with an all-inclusive 24-7 proactive IT management solution.
Our primary focus is providing secure, productive, HIPAA compliant, dental,
orthodontic, periodontic, and endodontic offices. Our engineers have years of experience managing multiple dental EMR
and x-ray software. We welcome and look forward to answering any questions you may have to build your IT solution.
Questions to ponder:
Who currently manages my Network?
Are they pulled from their primary job?
How much downtime do I actually incur in a month?
Are my IT and Network HIPAA compliant?
Do I have a failover back-up server?
If my server goes down, can I still operate?
Is my business backed up?
Is my backup offsite?
If my server goes down, how much data am I willing to manually enter?
How fast do I need the server back up and running?
Understanding the best IT solution for you:
We think an educated client is our best asset, so our goal is to equip our partners with the technical knowledge to
make informed decisions regarding network and device management.
The FORIS Network Audit is a great place to start.
We make a comprehensive assessment of your network, analyzing security, productivity, and data backup needs. We then share with
you a detailed and coherent report of the findings, accompanied by a step-by-step plan for your needs today and for
your growth tomorrow. The FORIS audit gives you, the business owner, in-depth analysis, and understanding of your
network. We focus on these essential Network categories: Productivity/Performance, Security, Data Backups, and HIPAA Compliance.